Sunday 24 July 2016

5 Background Techniques with… ACRYLIC PAINTS V.1

Welcome to a new collection of background techniques – this time with Acrylic Paints!  For a full list of techniques head over to this page and keep an eye out for future releases.  I am using Pebeo High Viscosity paints.

This time we cover the following techniques:

  1. Baby Wipe Blending
  2. Stencil Lift (from Gesso’d Surface)
  3. Streaks with Titanium White and Buff Titanium
  4. Printing with any objects or textures
  5. Scraping on


1. This is simple to do and blendability is dependant on the surface you’re using and the paints.  Make sure you rotate the area of the baby wipe to keep the colours clear.


2. Working on a gesso surface means that the paint lifts off much better but isn’t necessary.  I love this effect, even though the image is completely flat the depth of pigment in this paint gives it a 3D effect.


3.  You can take any colour and paint it on with hardly any blending by adding Titanium White and Buff Titanium (pale cream colour).  This will work with any colour for a background that looks impressive yet subtle.

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4. There’s no need to buy anything to apply your paint just use whatever objects and textures that are in reach.  The top picture shows the objects dipped into two colours of paint at a time whereas the bottom picture shows each object printing in separate colours.


5. I’ve left a couple of sides of an old card straight and cut into the other couple of sides with different sized notched.  You can try different ways to scrape the paint across your surface.  It also adds texture.


  1. Hi I love these backgrounds. I'm new to mixed media, but have been crafting for years. I recently bought some pebeo dyna paints and am ready to play. Thank you for this inspiring blog.

    1. Hi Marjie thank you for your message - guess what? I've just posted up my first set of techniques specifically for the DYNA paints!!! All the acrylic techniques will work with the dyna paints but because they are just that extra bit special I've had to do an add on series just for them x
